Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's 2008! The Year of the Spirit!

It’s been too long since I bull-log-ed. Tsk! Well, no use crying over spilt milk, so hello and welcome to 2008! (Like I am some docent who arrived before you. Weird.)

Last year, I declared 2007 to be the Year of the Mystic. I was thinking of my work and the way that mystics of a variety were becoming more mainstream. Consider John Edward with his new show, Cross Country, or the increasing popularity of Esther Hicks and the teachings of Abraham.

This year, I have considered several themes for myself. I-Plan is one. I still like this one, thinking of it as making plans and creating dreams so that I will accomplish and get what I want. You may have heard that “God laughs when you make plans”, but you should also know that “if you don’t know where you’re going, that’s probably where you’ll end up.”

Also, just today, a client said that he wants to have a “first-class year”, meaning that he will enjoy the best of everything to the extent that he can. I like this one, too, since it suggests refusing to settle for less than what you want and are worthy of.

Those are some of my personal ideas for themes for the year. For everyone in the whole world (because that is my reach!), I proclaim 2008 to be The Year of the Spirit!

The idea is that our spirits/higher selves/souls/guides/angels will be more in the forefront of our world than ever before. More people are reaching for spirituality and spiritual pursuits. When you seek enlightenment and understanding, the need for being right and forcing your ideas on others becomes less and less important. And this is my hope for the world.

I invite you to create a theme for your year and see where it gets you. Last year, my clients came up with themes like, “the year of growing up” and “my year of financial freedom” to guide them. Or use my Year of the Spirit as your guide. And send me your ideas. I’ll publish the best ones in a future blog.

Many blessings and much spirit to you!
Susan K.

Susan K. Morrow

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