Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Don't I Get What I Want?

Just a quick note about this:

As children, we are subject to our parents' situations. When they are in the habit of not getting what they want, they teach us how to not get what we want too. This is how we learn that "you can't have everything you want."

Truly, when you are aware that desire is simply an acknowledgment of contrast between what IS and what you would PREFER, then the corresponding energy is guided toward your preferences. But when what you desire is simply regarded by you as something YOU DON'T HAVE, then the corresponding energy is guided toward that, what you don't have.

Until next time, y'all be good!
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, August 14, 2009

Shy Spirits

Just for fun, I thought I'd share something about working with spirits, or people on the Other Side. As a psychic medium, I have worked with my share of such energies. It's fascinating work for me and is almost always very satisfying for the client.

When I am doing a psychic medium reading (I only do a few these days, being busy with my Intuitive Life Teaching), we'll hear from one or more of the client's late loved ones about 75% to 80% of the time. The rest of the time, there are several reasons for not hearing from someone:

1) The client is too young to have lost anyone close to them or has simply not had that experience at any age.

2) The client is not interested in hearing from those on the other side. The spirits will accommodate that sometimes--but not always! Sometimes, they come on through anyway, and I convey their messages.

3) The client is already in touch with his or her late loved ones, being naturally in-tune with that, or having had such a close relationship that it continues beyond death.

4) Rarely, I'm not the right medium for that or those spirits. Sure, it can happen!

When I did group readings specifically to communicate with those on the Other Side, as John Edward does on television, there were always plenty of spirits to choose from. Some are more insistent than others, while some wait patiently and hope to have a turn.

I can't speak for John, but usually when I am through working, either by the clock or my own fatigue, the spirits will leave me alone until I give them another opportunity.

Oh, and sometimes I have a spirit come through who is really for the next person's reading! I'll share one of those stories soon!

Until next time,
I remain your friendly global mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Sickness and In Health - Why You Attract Illness and Injury, Part 2

I am back with more info for you on Health and Spirit! Last time, I talked about how we all attract illness and injury as Spirit’s last-resort effort to communicate with us. And I promised a couple of examples to illustrate how this works.

Ultimately, you will see illness or injury as a big, bright message that will guide you to be enlightened about yourself. So open your mind, and read the story about Marjorie.

My client’s mother, Marjorie, died of bladder cancer, a rare cancer whose only suspected cause is exposure to second-hand smoke. Marjorie was indeed exposed to second-hand smoke, and this is an example of the way that Spirit, working with Body, will use what is in your environment to give you a message (or several).

You may have heard that cancer is often related to old anger, bitterness, or holding a grudge. As a medical intuitive, I agree. And when I learned more about Marjorie’s experience, I discovered what her bitterness was about.

First, though, let me explain about the bladder. It resides in the area of your energy that pertains to creation, procreation/children, and primary romantic relationships. When Spirit’s message to you is about one of those things, especially creating what you came into this life to create, the illness or injury will manifest in that area.

What did this mean to Marjorie? Well, Marjorie’s only child (my client) was adopted, because Marjorie was unable to have children biologically. There’s one reason she was bitter. In addition, she was relegated to spending her life behind the counter in her husband’s store, unable to create anything that she chose to create, and never given—or finding—an opportunity to develop something of her own.

After a lifetime of not being able to create, or make—think of the symbolism of saying “make water” to mean “urinate”—she developed a symbol of her anger, the cancer, in the area of energy where her anger lay or was directed.

This was Spirit’s last-ditch effort to reach her, urging her to make changes in her life so that she could be happy.

Next time, I’ll talk about preventing such tragedies by remembering the Language of Spirit.

Until then,
I remain your friendly global mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is It True?

(I'm interrupting my series on Health and Spirit to talk about something that popped up today. It addresses another topic I'll be writing on soon, so I'm going with it.)

I like Abraham., if you're not familiar. The first time I heard them, I was pleased, because they were talking about the truths I had known all my life, but was kind of afraid to talk about. And I thought, "Great! Someone else is talking about that, now I can too!" That was one of my inspirations for going where I am now.

Today, I received this quote from Abraham in my inbox. (You can subscribe to their daily wisdom, too.) What struck me as extraordinary about this one is the explanation of how a person can be very sure of something that is not actually true. It also explains why you might come up with results of your thoughts/prayers/manifesting efforts that don't seem right.

For example, let's say that things are simply not going your way. And you are thinking, "Why is this happening? I did a vision board, I am positive, I say affirmations, and I trust The Universe to deliver, but it didn't. I must not be doing it right." And you're not! Because, according to the teachings of Abraham (and my own), if your vibration is aligned with your desire, it must be delivered correctly.

Here's the quote:

"Flawed premises that you have picked up along your physical trail can fall by the wayside, one by one, and you can return to the understanding that is at the core of that which you are. (But in order to discover or understand a false or flawed premise, you have to stand back far enough and reconnect with who-you-really-are before you can see it.) If you were to hear a false premise again and again, until you yourself began to believe and repeat it, now your own activation of the contradictory Vibration would interfere with your own sense of intelligence, and you would begin to attract evidence of your lack of intelligence, in effect proving the false premise to be true. And so, it becomes increasingly hard for you to call this a 'false' premise when the evidence seems to be telling you that it is true, for over time you come to believe it is true."
--- Abraham

The evidence might be having a job or relationship that is unsatisfying, and it's easy to say, "Well, I must not be worthy of one that is satisfying." And why would you believe that? Because you have been told that over and over again.

Some of my clients will argue that point with me, and they say that they don't have any problem with feeling worthy of good experiences. But the evidence says otherwise. If dissatisfaction is evident in your experience, there's something holding you back!

There will be more on this.

Next time, back to Health and Spirit!

Until then, I remain
Your Friendly Global Mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, August 7, 2009

In Sickness and in Health - Why You Attract Illness and Injury, Part 1

If you get sick or hurt, it's all your fault. Yep, that's right, you did it!

Sure, that sounds pretty mean and maybe your first reaction is, "No, it's not my fault!" But if you accept responsibility for attracting or creating illness (and everything else in your life), then there is good news--you have the power to change it!

Let me explain. Everything starts with Spirit. There is a chunk of Spirit within you, that is commonly called your Soul, and it is a part of a massive Energy, that is commonly called God--although for my purposes, I will call it something else. The word "God" is so super-charged with fear and guilt and emotion and judgment that I prefer to use a word that will better connote the idea of creation and forward motion. I'll use "Spirit" to indicate this massive creative force.

In addition to your Soul, you have what I call angels and guides, extra-physical energy entities that guide you on your planned journey through this life. (Yes, there's a plan--and you planned it!) And you have messengers in the form of other incarnate Souls like yourself, along with events, experiences, feelings, and thoughts--all lined up to give you messages that will guide you to live your best life, the life you came here to live.

Simple enough? I hope so, but take a moment to let that sink in.

Spirit constantly communicates with you, starting with your emotions and thoughts (think, for example, "Listen to your heart"), and working through many other things in your environment and awareness. Your body is a messenger, as well, but by the time Spirit starts to talk through your body, in the form of illness or injury, it has reached its last resort.

Now, we are all born with an understanding of the Language of Spirit. However, in a very short time, we forget it, simply because of the way that human beings have evolved culturally. For example, our parents had to be sure we could get along in the world, so they had to say "No" when we tried to touch the stove or run into the street or bite another child. And if you are a parent, like me, you do this too.

We only have as much understanding as we have had, and we have gotten away from the Language of Spirit, whose sole (or "soul") purpose is to guide us to our best life and to assist in fulfilling our life purpose.

What this means is that if we could remember how to listen to our Spirit (remember "Listen to your heart"), we would not get sick or hurt. Likewise, if we become enlightened or gain the understanding that we need, even after becoming sick or hurt, we would be healed.

Next time, I will cite a couple of examples to help illustrate all of this. Until then, see if you can handle it! I look forward to bringing you more!

Your friendly global mystic,
Susan K. Morrow