Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Put the Knife Down!

Do you get stressed out as each year draws to a close and the holidays are upon us? Lots of people do and, with due respect to the men we love, it's usually the women who bear the burden of holiday preparations.

Personally, I really enjoy decorating and cooking, planning meals and shopping for gifts for everyone I love. That doesn't mean it isn't stressful and exhausting. As a perfect example of the way that our spirits make sure we do what's best for us, here's a story from my Christmas Day a couple of years ago:

I did all the work, as usual. I'm a widow, so there isn't even a lazy husband to gripe about; I just have to do it. And I do enjoy it, but a few days before Christmas, I stood looking at all the gifts I had shopped for and wrapped, gleaming under the tree that I had decorated, and I thought, "I really work hard at this. It's worth it to give my children a good, pleasant Christmas, but it would be great to have some help."

Be careful what you wish for. Cut to Christmas Day. And I don't use the word "cut" loosely. I am in the kitchen, plenty of able-bodied family around, and I am doing everything, even refusing the others' offers to help. "No, no, thank you, I can do it myself."

I'm carving the turkey--a man's job, if you'll pardon my sexism for a moment--and the blades on the electric knife get stuck. I unplug the knife, remove the blades, and try to un-jam them. Oh, yes, I manage to make a very nasty, bloody cut on my index finger.

Should we go to the hospital? I'm sitting on the floor, because I'm a fainter and I tend to faint when I hurt my hands or feet. I have my head down, trying not to pass out completely, mumbling orders to rinse the blood out of the sink and to look at my finger and tell me whether I should go to the ER. Daddy says yes. Boyfriend says maybe, it's up to me.

Later, my doctor-sister tells me over the phone that I should definitely go, I probably need stitches, and the joint could be jeopardized. I feel like the little kid in that movie--"You'll shoot your eye out, kid!"

I opt out of the trip to the ER. But guess what... I can't do it all anymore. I'm winged. I'm on the injured reserve list. I have to have help.

And you bet the whole family rallied and took care of stuff. I still directed, pointing with my bandaged finger, asking someone to put the potatoes on the table and someone else to fill the glasses. And someone finish carving the turkey!

And Christmas dinner was perfectly lovely. The throbbing notwithstanding.

My spirit knew that it wasn't right for me or for anyone else if I did all the work. I was being selfish, in a way, keeping all the work to myself and then getting to play martyr. Mm-hm. Serves me right. But I got the message.

What message is trying to come through to you? A good psychic can help you with that...!

Blessings to you at this festive time of year!
Susan K.

(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow

Friday, December 7, 2007

My Method to the Madness

This time of year, we hear and read a lot of helpful tips telling us how to survive the holidays, enjoy the holidays, forget the holidays, fa-la-la-la-la. But nobody talks about those of us who somehow manage to enjoy them.

Maybe I’m the only one, but I have a great time with the holidays. And my family is no less dysfunctional than most. But maybe we know how to put the “fun” in “dysfunctional”!

Okay, bad joke, but truthfully, how do I do it? I had to stop and think about it, because, as with many things that we do with ease, I wasn’t really sure what I was doing differently from the miserable, lonely, and depressed. (With apologies to “The Little Mermaid.”)

First of all, I don’t do most of the things the helpful hinters suggest. I don’t get particularly involved with charity or donations, although if I come across something easy and worthy, I donate. (Salvation Army’s outside Target? I’ve got cash? Okay, here you go.)

I don’t make any extra effort to find time for myself, but that is something I do regularly anyway.

I don’t try to cut back on spending or the number of gifts—in fact, I really love to go overboard if I can.

I have not quit sending Christmas cards, but several years ago, I switched to an email greeting and newsletter that leaves me satisfied, if not my readers.

I don’t forgo traditional meals in favor of sandwiches to make my life less stressful. I just get up to my elbows in mashed potatoes and sing carols at the top of my lungs.

I don’t leave some of the decorating undone because it’s too much trouble. I put up what I like and if the neighbors think it’s ugly or not enough, too bad for them. I figure, I’m a poor little widow-woman and I haven’t had a man to do Christmas lights for over a decade. I do the best I can with what I’ve got!

So why am I so happy?

Well, other than being essentially happy (and helping others to be), there are two things I came up with that help me enjoy the holidays.

First, I flat out refuse to put pressure on myself about anything. For example, I get excited about the gifts I am giving and if the recipient is happy with it, there’s nothing better. If he/she is not, well, I’m no worse off than I was. And I don’t even give gifts outside the family. I love my friends and I tell them so, we spend time together, but we agree that a visit is better than a gift.

Second, I have a flexible work schedule. I think this is huge. And I acknowledge that it’s not an option for everyone. I met a woman who works at Starbucks and discovered that she also works full-time at HEB. How she’s putting in 75 hours a week, I can’t imagine. But she did not complain once about how hard it was to do that at Christmastime. We’ll have to ask her secret. Even though I will never work that many hours!

Apparently, one of my secrets is internal and one is external. You definitely have complete control over one. What about the other? I won’t tell you to quit your job, but you can quit being beaten up by it.

If you have happiness and flexibility all year long, you’ll sail through the holidays. And here is my wish that you do!

P.S. If you don’t have happiness and flexibility, you might want to consult someone insightful about that. ;o)

Happy Holidays!
Susan K.

Susan K. Morrow
Author of Seven Chakras, Seven Days

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

'Til He Appeared and the Soul Felt Its Worth

As we are gliding effortlessly through our holiday season (effortless, right?), I am enjoying Christmas carols on the radio and on my computer. I love the holidays and Christmas and all the “wretched excess”, the music and all the love and glowing and memories…

And as I delight in the music of the season, I remember that some of the most beautiful music has been written in the name of Christ. “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” notwithstanding.

Now, I’m not particularly preachy or churchy, but I find a lot of good, interesting, and weird things to ponder in religion. And Christian music can be very helpful for pensive, pondering people like us.

(Granted, not all hymns are lovely. Maybe someday I will launch a comparison of the dirges of praise we used to sing in the Presbyterian church, the “plunging around in a bloody fountain” war cries of the Baptist church, and the hypnotic modern rhythms of latter-day community churches. But that’s another topic.)

In one Christmas song, O Holy Night, I noticed again the phrase, “’til he appeared and the soul felt its worth.”

I started to think about that. I frequently instruct my clients to focus on their divine value, that aspect of themselves that means they are worthy of love, joy, and abundance, just because they are. Because they exist, they were born, God put them here on this earth in this life.

The song’s lyrics go on to say, “A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.” In the strictest Christian interpretation, that might mean that Jesus brought hope to a hopeless world, and that his name should be exalted.

The way I see it, Jesus came to say, “You are worthy” to the world and this was the hope he offered. “No longer must you pine in sin and error. Remember your soul’s worth and rejoice.” That's why Jesus represented hope. And you do too.

Because you are worthy.

Please let that sink in. And look under the tree—or in the sky or in the eyes of those you love—and find the gifts of love, joy, and abundance that you came here to claim.

May the peace of the season be yours!
Susan K.

(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Biz Mystic Takes Off!

I am excited about launching a new service! I'm very proud to announce the Biz Mystic Coaching Program.

My clients already know me as a psychic medium, medical intuitive, and spiritual teacher. Well, guess what--in order to BE those things successfully, I also have to be a business owner--and a good one.

I have well over 20 years' experience in business, from corporate to solo-preneurship and some things in between. I see people struggling with their businesses, misunderstanding what they need to be successful, networking poorly (or not at all), and generally having no fun.

That's right--like everything in life, business should be FUN! So I am committed to helping solo-preneurs reach their potential in every aspect of their business.

Find out more on my website:

A votre success!
Susan K.

Susan K. Morrow

(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Remember the Oklahoma City Bombing?

This just popped into my head this morning, don’t know why. It's not one of my most fun stories, but it is interesting.

It took me a long time to recognize my abilities as a psychic/mystic/etc., so I sometimes find myself waking up a long-dormant memory to add to my little book of stories. For example, it was only after I started recognizing visits from spirits during my readings that I remembered the feeling I had as a child, that someone—or several someones—were always present. My mother said, “You have such a vivid imagination! What a wonderful quality!” Bless her heart.

Here is the memory that arose today. We all remember the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. I didn’t have to look up the date, because it was precisely one week before my husband’s death, so I always remember that anniversary. And on that day, at that exact time, I was in the dentist’s chair, being prepped for a filling. Something was going wrong and my gums would not become numb. Carla, my beloved dentist-friend, waited patiently for the anesthetic to take effect.

Suddenly, I went into panic mode. Flat on my back, I averred to Carla that I was going to pass out. “No, that’s not possible,” Carla soothed. “You’re lying down. You can’t faint.” But something was terribly wrong. Tears filled my eyes as I grasped Carla’s hand. “Something’s wrong,” I whispered through still-sensitive lips.

In a few minutes, I was able to calm down and the anesthetic took effect. The filling was created without further incident. Carla promised never to work on me without nitrous again. I don’t know if that was for her sake or mine!

Shortly after I left the dentist’s office, I learned of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building that killed 168 and left hundreds injured. At some point in the intervening years, it did occur to me that I had some sort of Universal sensation as all those lives ended in terror.

Susan K. Morrow

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction

Hello again. In the last post, I talked about the way we attract both things we like and things we don't. We do this with what is commonly called The Law of Attraction, which is a law of physics. By focusing our attention on things, experiences, relationships, and feelings--that we like or do not like--we attract them into our lives.

You read that right: that we like or do not like. Everything in your life right now, like it or not, has been attracted to you BY YOU. Ta-dum! You are the author of your own life, so I hope it's one you really enjoy.

The good news is that, once you recognize that your thoughts and energy are creating what you've got--you have all the power to create what you DO like from here forward. (Subscribe to my newsletters at and get my free report, "12 Woo-Woo Tips You Need for Living in the Real World". We cover some of that.)

Easier said that done? Absolutely. Impossible? Not at all.

In the last post, I urged you to ask the question, "Why did I attract THIS?" for anything you encounter that is not the best possible thing. (It's a good idea to ask the question for those things you like, too, so you learn how to bring more of those into your life.)

So here's today's lesson: what about undesirable things that happen to other people who are in your life? Well, they are in your life, so you have attracted them, right? Parents, children, spouses, etc. So what happens to them is part of your life too.

Yes, I am getting very egocentric--that's the whole point of the Law of Attraction, you know.

Let's say that your spouse contracts an illness. Did your spouse attract this illness? Yes. Did you attract this illness to your spouse? No, BUT you attracted an ill spouse into your own life.

Aha! Do you get that? So the illness itself, as a THING, is serving multiple purposes for multiple people.

"Why would I attract THAT?"

GREAT QUESTION! Please continue to ask it.

There can be any number of reasons why you would be served by your spouse's illness, to wit, an opportunity to care for this person who has given you so much, proof to yourself that you are strong and capable in the way you deal with this, an urge to make changes in your life... the list of possibilities is endless.

If you are asking the question "Why did I attract THIS?", I will help you find the answers. There are times when we simply do not get to know the clear answers for this question, but many times, a good psychic who understands the workings of the Universe and is also a medical intuitive (hint, hint) can help you figure out just "Why did I attract THIS?"

Blessings to you and all your "THIS" that you attract. It gets better every day!

Susan K. Morrow
I put the normal in paranormal!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why Did I Attract THIS?

That’s the question we all need to ask all the time.

Many people have seen “The Secret” (and if you haven’t seen it, please go to and watch it) and have been studying the Law of Attraction, so they’re starting to be conversant in some of those principles.

In my practice as a psychic medium and medical intuitive, I am starting to notice that my clients don’t get the whole picture of just what this attraction thing is.

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction is a law of physics that applies to your life in that what you put your attention on, you attract to you. Most people look at this law like “How can I attract more money/love/etc.?”

And that is great. That is the best use of the Law of Attraction and if you are consistently attracting things, people, relationships, and experiences that please you, I congratulate you! That is fantastic!

Unfortunately, that is not the case for about 98% of us out there. Most of us continue to attract at least a few things that we’re not too crazy about and here’s the kicker: nobody knows they’re doing it.

Just this past week, I have talked to three clients who were actually offended when I suggested that they had attracted experiences into their life that they didn’t like. “Why would I attract THAT?” they demanded. “I don’t want THAT, it’s BAD.”

Right, I get that. I understand that you don’t consciously want car trouble, health problems, bad grades, bad breath, or whatever. Who would?

And that’s exactly why you need to ask, “Why did I attract THIS?” Anything that gets your attention for better or worse, ask the question.

Here’s a dire example. Many people know that my husband died several years ago and left me with two small children to raise and very little life insurance. Why did I attract THAT?

Why indeed. I may never know all the reasons, but I know there are some, probably many, and some of them I do understand. And with some of those larger things (and maybe the small things too), your spirit got together with other spirits to plan some of the important events you wanted in your life as a human.

This is why we sometimes have trouble understanding—we don’t communicate with our own spirits very well. I work to bridge that gap for my clients, helping them communicate with their spirits and understand why they’re here—even when they're attracting things they don’t like.

Next time, I’ll talk about things you don’t like that happen to people you love. If you subscribe to my free newsletter, you’ll receive my report “12 Woo-Woo Tips You Need for Living in the Real World”. One of those tips is about being “responsible” for everything and everyone you have attracted into your life.

Food for thought, eh?

Susan K.

Susan K. Morrow

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Campaign for Heart Chakra Health!

I am delighted to announce that I am formalizing my work in the area of helping my clients and others to improve their overall health by concentrating on the heart chakra.


The chakras are what I call “energy organs”. The seven major ones are located along your spine, starting with the root chakra at the tailbone and ending with the crown chakra just above your head. Just as your liver reflects what you’ve eaten and drunk and affects other parts of your body, each chakra or energy organ reflects and affects a physical aspect of you, an emotional aspect of you, and a spiritual aspect of you.

The lower chakras are the more human, physical ones, although they have their spiritual components. Conversely, the upper ones are the more spiritual, but they are also physical.

The heart chakra is right in the middle. Its job is not only to reflect and affect, but also to pull the other chakras together, to allow spirit and body to flow through it to create harmony within your being.

If you think of the body/mind/spirit connection, the heart is the “mind” or the emotions. As Abraham-Hicks tells us, the emotions are our indicators of what’s going on in our spirit. Thus, the heart bears the burden of connecting us to the physical and the spiritual.

In my practice as a psychic medium and medical intuitive, most of my clients are women. And almost all of them suffer from a lack of self-love. Women in our society are taught to love everyone else and support others to the exclusion of love for themselves. As mothers, we can hardly resist sacrificing for our children—without taking into account the truth behind the expression, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”

In a different way, men suffer in this area too. They are taught not to express love, except to their children and their mothers, sometimes to their wives, often to no one. Loving themselves is even more verboten. Why do you think men have long suffered from heart disease?

And now women are having increased and unprecedented numbers in the areas of heart disease, lung disease, and breast disease—all heart-chakra organs.

I will delve more into this next time. For now, just know that we are on the verge of a tremendous break-through for everyone’s heart chakra health!

Until next time, cha cha cha!

Susan K. Morrow
I put the normal in paranormal!


Sister Mystic Services Include
Chakra Coaching

Go from chaos to calm; make transitions with ease; clear out old gunk.
Pre-requisites apply. Fee varies. See the website, call, or e-mail for more info.
Get Started, Get Coached, Get Results, Get More!


Friday, October 5, 2007

Hatred and Intolerance

Years ago, my brother-in-law gave my sister a bumper sticker that read,

“Hatred and intolerance are un-Christian and un-American.”

Don’t you love that? Good old Burt Bacharach was right: What the world needs now is love.

I know a dear man who is insightful and sensitive and smart. He recently e-mailed some info that slammed a religion that is not Christian. He indicated how this other religion is dangerous in that it encourages its followers to recruit new followers and to hurt or kill those who do not believe.

No, remember, I said this is not Christianity.

But it could be, couldn’t it?

Above all, we need tolerance, patience, and love for our fellow denizens of this planet. It is fear and lack of understanding that get us into trouble.

I want to recommend a new book my mother told me about. (I confess that I have yet to read it, but it is on my list!) It is The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew—Three Women Search for Understanding, by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner. These three women came together after September 11, 2001, as the Christian mother attempted to explain the differences between the religions to her child. The journey and friendship of these three women are remarkable—and go much further toward peace than sending terrorizing e-mails about each other.

Remember Burt and remember love.

Susan K. Morrow
I put the normal in paranormal!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Music to My Ears and Tears to My Eyes

This happens to me all the time. It’s what I do—I’m a medium. So why this one got to me, I don’t really know. But I think the feeling was more “overflow”—joy and wonder—than one of tears or sorrow.

What happened was an everyday occurrence—for me anyway—a mini-reading at a Home Event. The client had about 15 minutes with me, during which time I gave her a lot of info from spirits on the Other Side. One of the images I received was from her son. He showed me a wreath and I thought “Christmas”, but he showed it to me on his head, so I added that maybe it was a laurel wreath? It made me think of St. Lucia. I gestured that this was worn on the head and asked if any of this meant anything. The client wasn’t sure.

Sometimes medium work is like that. I actually never miss, but the clients sometimes do! Really. We call it psychic amnesia, a phenomenon in which the client insists that he’s never heard of this item or symbol or event, only to remember moments or days later that yes, Grandpa did have a double-barrel shotgun over the back door. I have a bunch of stories about that. (See "Purple Flower with a Face" for another example.)

But back to my bewreathed man. Several days later, I received a large envelope in the mail. The client had written me a lovely letter, explaining what happened as she reviewed the notes I had given her from her mini-reading. She saw that I had written “wreath – head” and suddenly she got it! She enclosed a copy of a photo of her son, one that is on her refrigerator and seen by her daily, and in it—ta da!—he’s wearing a Christmas wreath on his head.

The client’s story had a lot more to it, such as how the wreath happened to be placed there, and I was so glad to share in her experience. It’s part of what I love about my work, getting to know people and share in their lives.

As I sat there in my car, with the letter and picture in my lap, I started to cry. There weren’t a lot of tears, just some sobbing kind of breaths. I thanked the client’s son for coming through so clearly and in a way that was meaningful to his mother, for allowing me to do this for both of them. And I thanked God/Universe for my gifts.

Then the overflow stopped. It was a very good day.
* Susan K. Morrow * 512-257-2737 *
* *
* I put the normal in paranormal! *

(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

Purple Flower with a Face

This is one of my favorite stories about my work as a medium. My client’s wife had passed away about a year before our session. During my PRM (pre-reading meditation), I heard the word “pansy”. I didn’t know if this was the flower or the name—or maybe it was even “Patsy”.

When my client arrived for his reading, I immediately told him about “pansy or Patsy”. He shook his head, obviously searching his brain for some meaning to this. I started focusing more on “pansy” and then I translated for him, “It’s the purple flower that looks like a face. You know? Those flowers? They look like they have a face?” Nothing.

By this time, I was seeing gardens full of pansies. “Purple flower with a face!” I repeated, insistently. Sorry, he said.

I decided I had to move on. I had several other images and words and messages from his wife and also from his grandparents. I was taken on a tour of his grandparents’ house and discovered that his grandmother was not a cook, a fact that I also had to drag out of the client. “Why is the kitchen full of dirty dishes?” I asked.

“Oh, no, the kitchen was always clean,” he protested.

“Then why is your grandmother showing me a sink full of dirty dishes?” I demanded.

“I don’t know. She wasn’t even in there—my grandfather did the cooking.” We were both baffled.

Finally, I asked, “Did he leave the dishes to her?”

“Oh.” We both realized that, to his grandmother, the kitchen was always full of dirty dishes that she had to clean up!

But back to the pansy. Toward the end of our two-hour reading, I asked again about the “purple flower with a face”. Suddenly, something started to dawn on my gentle client. He said, “A purple flower with a face? Well, there was something next to my wife’s bed, something her employer had sent over to the hospital. It was like a stuffed animal, but shaped like a flower. And it has a smiley face on it. And it’s purple…

“It hangs on the wall in my bedroom and when I see it every day, I think of my wife. It reminds me of her.”

God love him.

* Susan K. Morrow *
* 512-257-2737 *
* *
* I put the normal in paranormal! *
Sister Mystic Services Include
Chakra Coaching
Go from chaos to calm; make transitions with ease; clear out old gunk.
Pre-requisites apply. Fee varies. See the website, call, or e-mail for more info.
Get Started, Get Coached, Get Results, Get More!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hello and welcome!

Thanks for tuning in. As a lifelong writer (yes, I was born with pen in hand, much to my mother's doctor's astonishment), I am delighted by the opportunity to write frequently and share all my thoughts with the world. How egoistic is that?

I call myself an opinionada--a word I coined for this and all occasions. While I may or may not seem opinionated to you, what else is a blog for besides sharing opinions?

I also am a mystic, so I have oodles of stories about my work as such. One of my services is the group spirit reading or Public Spirit Reading, and these events yield some fascinating fodder! Personal readings are equally astounding, along with all my revelations of Truth (with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for...psychic!).

So tune in again soon and see what I have on the spit. You might be surprised by what you didn't know you didn't know.

* Susan K. Morrow * 512-257-2737 *
* *
* I put the normal in paranormal! *
(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow