Thursday, November 15, 2007

Biz Mystic Takes Off!

I am excited about launching a new service! I'm very proud to announce the Biz Mystic Coaching Program.

My clients already know me as a psychic medium, medical intuitive, and spiritual teacher. Well, guess what--in order to BE those things successfully, I also have to be a business owner--and a good one.

I have well over 20 years' experience in business, from corporate to solo-preneurship and some things in between. I see people struggling with their businesses, misunderstanding what they need to be successful, networking poorly (or not at all), and generally having no fun.

That's right--like everything in life, business should be FUN! So I am committed to helping solo-preneurs reach their potential in every aspect of their business.

Find out more on my website:

A votre success!
Susan K.

Susan K. Morrow

(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow

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