Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Remember the Oklahoma City Bombing?

This just popped into my head this morning, don’t know why. It's not one of my most fun stories, but it is interesting.

It took me a long time to recognize my abilities as a psychic/mystic/etc., so I sometimes find myself waking up a long-dormant memory to add to my little book of stories. For example, it was only after I started recognizing visits from spirits during my readings that I remembered the feeling I had as a child, that someone—or several someones—were always present. My mother said, “You have such a vivid imagination! What a wonderful quality!” Bless her heart.

Here is the memory that arose today. We all remember the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. I didn’t have to look up the date, because it was precisely one week before my husband’s death, so I always remember that anniversary. And on that day, at that exact time, I was in the dentist’s chair, being prepped for a filling. Something was going wrong and my gums would not become numb. Carla, my beloved dentist-friend, waited patiently for the anesthetic to take effect.

Suddenly, I went into panic mode. Flat on my back, I averred to Carla that I was going to pass out. “No, that’s not possible,” Carla soothed. “You’re lying down. You can’t faint.” But something was terribly wrong. Tears filled my eyes as I grasped Carla’s hand. “Something’s wrong,” I whispered through still-sensitive lips.

In a few minutes, I was able to calm down and the anesthetic took effect. The filling was created without further incident. Carla promised never to work on me without nitrous again. I don’t know if that was for her sake or mine!

Shortly after I left the dentist’s office, I learned of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building that killed 168 and left hundreds injured. At some point in the intervening years, it did occur to me that I had some sort of Universal sensation as all those lives ended in terror.

Susan K. Morrow

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