Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bands That Are Past Their Expiration Date

(Oh, sure, I usually talk about my woo-woo stuff, but this eponymous blog is a good place to talk about anything I like. So there.)

Ah, music. It hath charms, no? I love almost all of it, except jazz and rap--and I even like some forms of jazz and some hip-hop. I'm pretty inclusive, BUT I have recently noticed my newly-developed distaste for certain bands.

At first, I thought maybe I was just getting old and didn't like that "young whipper-snapper" music. But it's not the modern stuff that I don't like. It's music from my childhood and youth that is starting to gross me out and gag me with a spoon. (Graduated high school in 1981. Sorry.)

Here, in no particular order, are the bands and artists that have begun to turn me off, along with their offenses:

**The Who: I actually stopped liking The Who a long time ago, and I still don't like them. I think I mostly only liked them because they were cool and because I went to their concert at the AstroHall or the AstroDome or the AstroSomething in 1982. Disliking this band might be an indication that I am getting old, but I don't care. I'm tired of the the screaming and the long guitar solos.

**The Doors: Oy vey, if I have to listen to that interminable organ solo in "Light My Fire" one more time... Great for stoners, maybe, but not for me. I will still listen to "Touch Me" at least, but I won't light their fire. Or let them light mine.

**Fleetwood Mac: Now, this one surprises me, because I used to love Fleetwood Mac. But I never liked Stevie Nicks, either personally or vocally, and now I find her husky near-ruined voice almost unbearable. Again, there are exceptions: Earlier Fleetwood Mac songs have a better chance of being liked, plus there are one or two Stevie Nicks songs that I might slightly enjoy. "Edge of 17" comes to mind.

**Cyndi Lauper: Talk about a surprise. Cyndi was definitely cool in her heydey, and maybe her recent demi-comeback is still cool, but when I hear her old songs on the radio, I am just turned off. This one I chalk up to a definite "heat of the moment" issue--I liked it in the heat of the moment, but the moment has long since passed.

**Elton John: Okay, maybe I still love Elton, but if I do, it's becoming more and more of a secret to me. Unlike Stevie Nicks, he still seems like a person I would like if I knew him, but I think I'm just plain tired of his music. Plus most of his best songs ("Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding", to wit) don't get played on the radio. So I will give him a B- and consider listening again someday.

I am excited to think about the bands I will add to this list as they start to disgust me. Stay tuned!

Until next time,
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Good Teacher

Mrs. Jett was one of my favorite teachers in high school. She taught both French and Spanish, and I took both, so I got to have her as my teacher for two years. As a linguaphile, I admired her linguistic skills, of course, but Mrs. Jett was more than a language teacher.

Mrs. Jett was divorced, probably in her 30s at the time (and I admit it was a while ago!), may or may not have had children. She had a pretty poor fashion sense--which I always forgive in a teacher, because teachers are so woefully underpaid--but I didn't care, because she was one of the most caring people I've ever met.

I realize that the above paragraph sums up all I knew about Mrs. Jett. So why was she so memorable to me?

She listened. She didn't judge. She smiled. She helped. She was kind. And she liked me too. I felt that I could trust and confide in her. Not that I was a degenerate or particularly needy or troubled as a teen. But knowing which teachers are on your side, regardless of your situation, is a comfort during the emotional idiocy that is high school.

I also learned a lot in Spanish I and French I. I enjoy recalling the time that I answered a French question in Spanish. Mrs. Jett's eyes grew wide. "En francais, s'il vous plais!" she admonished me. It was actually good news for me, because I was learning French by translating it into Spanish, instead of English. And that meant that I had already learned to think in Spanish, and that's how you learn a language.

Now that I am a teacher--an Intuitive Life Teacher, if not a schoolteacher--I like to think that I am similar to Mrs. Jett. Trustworthy and trusting, knowledgeable in more than one area, kind, understanding, and always a friend and confidante.

The classroom door is open. What would you like to know?

Until next time,
Susan K. Morrow

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Taking Care of the Caregiver

If you are a woman, a mom, I know this will hit you where you live. And if you are a man, you will probably dig it too. It's about taking care of others, yourself, and the world!

In recent weeks, it seems I have done nothing but take care of other people. Several family members have needed my assistance or presence during and regarding medical and health issues, plus as you know, my daughters have both moved and the younger one has made a huge adjustment in starting college. It seems like all I have done is drive and drive and drive on my way to take care of others.

Like you, I'm sure, I don't mind doing this. On the contrary, I love taking care of my loved ones and I appreciate that I am able to help when needed. BUT--and you know this BUT--I knew I was going to get sick from all this, sooner or later.

I did try to take care of myself, paying attention to my needs, getting enough rest, giving myself a pedicure, and so forth. It just wasn't quite enough. Last week, I came down with a really nasty stomach virus. Dehydrated and exhausted, I asked my daughters to take me to the ER. They stayed with me for the whole long afternoon, while I received IV fluids and returned to myself.

It cost my college girl a day of classes. It cost my older girl an afternoon of work (and pay). They sacrificed without complaint, and I received their loving care without guilt.

Here's the message for you and me both: Ask for help when needed, and accept help when offered. You were not built to take care of the world and get nothing in return. Try it--no guilt, just care between people who love. You'll be GLAD YOU DID! ;o)

Until next time,
Susan K. Morrow

Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Don't I Get What I Want?

Just a quick note about this:

As children, we are subject to our parents' situations. When they are in the habit of not getting what they want, they teach us how to not get what we want too. This is how we learn that "you can't have everything you want."

Truly, when you are aware that desire is simply an acknowledgment of contrast between what IS and what you would PREFER, then the corresponding energy is guided toward your preferences. But when what you desire is simply regarded by you as something YOU DON'T HAVE, then the corresponding energy is guided toward that, what you don't have.

Until next time, y'all be good!
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, August 14, 2009

Shy Spirits

Just for fun, I thought I'd share something about working with spirits, or people on the Other Side. As a psychic medium, I have worked with my share of such energies. It's fascinating work for me and is almost always very satisfying for the client.

When I am doing a psychic medium reading (I only do a few these days, being busy with my Intuitive Life Teaching), we'll hear from one or more of the client's late loved ones about 75% to 80% of the time. The rest of the time, there are several reasons for not hearing from someone:

1) The client is too young to have lost anyone close to them or has simply not had that experience at any age.

2) The client is not interested in hearing from those on the other side. The spirits will accommodate that sometimes--but not always! Sometimes, they come on through anyway, and I convey their messages.

3) The client is already in touch with his or her late loved ones, being naturally in-tune with that, or having had such a close relationship that it continues beyond death.

4) Rarely, I'm not the right medium for that or those spirits. Sure, it can happen!

When I did group readings specifically to communicate with those on the Other Side, as John Edward does on television, there were always plenty of spirits to choose from. Some are more insistent than others, while some wait patiently and hope to have a turn.

I can't speak for John, but usually when I am through working, either by the clock or my own fatigue, the spirits will leave me alone until I give them another opportunity.

Oh, and sometimes I have a spirit come through who is really for the next person's reading! I'll share one of those stories soon!

Until next time,
I remain your friendly global mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Sickness and In Health - Why You Attract Illness and Injury, Part 2

I am back with more info for you on Health and Spirit! Last time, I talked about how we all attract illness and injury as Spirit’s last-resort effort to communicate with us. And I promised a couple of examples to illustrate how this works.

Ultimately, you will see illness or injury as a big, bright message that will guide you to be enlightened about yourself. So open your mind, and read the story about Marjorie.

My client’s mother, Marjorie, died of bladder cancer, a rare cancer whose only suspected cause is exposure to second-hand smoke. Marjorie was indeed exposed to second-hand smoke, and this is an example of the way that Spirit, working with Body, will use what is in your environment to give you a message (or several).

You may have heard that cancer is often related to old anger, bitterness, or holding a grudge. As a medical intuitive, I agree. And when I learned more about Marjorie’s experience, I discovered what her bitterness was about.

First, though, let me explain about the bladder. It resides in the area of your energy that pertains to creation, procreation/children, and primary romantic relationships. When Spirit’s message to you is about one of those things, especially creating what you came into this life to create, the illness or injury will manifest in that area.

What did this mean to Marjorie? Well, Marjorie’s only child (my client) was adopted, because Marjorie was unable to have children biologically. There’s one reason she was bitter. In addition, she was relegated to spending her life behind the counter in her husband’s store, unable to create anything that she chose to create, and never given—or finding—an opportunity to develop something of her own.

After a lifetime of not being able to create, or make—think of the symbolism of saying “make water” to mean “urinate”—she developed a symbol of her anger, the cancer, in the area of energy where her anger lay or was directed.

This was Spirit’s last-ditch effort to reach her, urging her to make changes in her life so that she could be happy.

Next time, I’ll talk about preventing such tragedies by remembering the Language of Spirit.

Until then,
I remain your friendly global mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is It True?

(I'm interrupting my series on Health and Spirit to talk about something that popped up today. It addresses another topic I'll be writing on soon, so I'm going with it.)

I like Abraham., if you're not familiar. The first time I heard them, I was pleased, because they were talking about the truths I had known all my life, but was kind of afraid to talk about. And I thought, "Great! Someone else is talking about that, now I can too!" That was one of my inspirations for going where I am now.

Today, I received this quote from Abraham in my inbox. (You can subscribe to their daily wisdom, too.) What struck me as extraordinary about this one is the explanation of how a person can be very sure of something that is not actually true. It also explains why you might come up with results of your thoughts/prayers/manifesting efforts that don't seem right.

For example, let's say that things are simply not going your way. And you are thinking, "Why is this happening? I did a vision board, I am positive, I say affirmations, and I trust The Universe to deliver, but it didn't. I must not be doing it right." And you're not! Because, according to the teachings of Abraham (and my own), if your vibration is aligned with your desire, it must be delivered correctly.

Here's the quote:

"Flawed premises that you have picked up along your physical trail can fall by the wayside, one by one, and you can return to the understanding that is at the core of that which you are. (But in order to discover or understand a false or flawed premise, you have to stand back far enough and reconnect with who-you-really-are before you can see it.) If you were to hear a false premise again and again, until you yourself began to believe and repeat it, now your own activation of the contradictory Vibration would interfere with your own sense of intelligence, and you would begin to attract evidence of your lack of intelligence, in effect proving the false premise to be true. And so, it becomes increasingly hard for you to call this a 'false' premise when the evidence seems to be telling you that it is true, for over time you come to believe it is true."
--- Abraham

The evidence might be having a job or relationship that is unsatisfying, and it's easy to say, "Well, I must not be worthy of one that is satisfying." And why would you believe that? Because you have been told that over and over again.

Some of my clients will argue that point with me, and they say that they don't have any problem with feeling worthy of good experiences. But the evidence says otherwise. If dissatisfaction is evident in your experience, there's something holding you back!

There will be more on this.

Next time, back to Health and Spirit!

Until then, I remain
Your Friendly Global Mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, August 7, 2009

In Sickness and in Health - Why You Attract Illness and Injury, Part 1

If you get sick or hurt, it's all your fault. Yep, that's right, you did it!

Sure, that sounds pretty mean and maybe your first reaction is, "No, it's not my fault!" But if you accept responsibility for attracting or creating illness (and everything else in your life), then there is good news--you have the power to change it!

Let me explain. Everything starts with Spirit. There is a chunk of Spirit within you, that is commonly called your Soul, and it is a part of a massive Energy, that is commonly called God--although for my purposes, I will call it something else. The word "God" is so super-charged with fear and guilt and emotion and judgment that I prefer to use a word that will better connote the idea of creation and forward motion. I'll use "Spirit" to indicate this massive creative force.

In addition to your Soul, you have what I call angels and guides, extra-physical energy entities that guide you on your planned journey through this life. (Yes, there's a plan--and you planned it!) And you have messengers in the form of other incarnate Souls like yourself, along with events, experiences, feelings, and thoughts--all lined up to give you messages that will guide you to live your best life, the life you came here to live.

Simple enough? I hope so, but take a moment to let that sink in.

Spirit constantly communicates with you, starting with your emotions and thoughts (think, for example, "Listen to your heart"), and working through many other things in your environment and awareness. Your body is a messenger, as well, but by the time Spirit starts to talk through your body, in the form of illness or injury, it has reached its last resort.

Now, we are all born with an understanding of the Language of Spirit. However, in a very short time, we forget it, simply because of the way that human beings have evolved culturally. For example, our parents had to be sure we could get along in the world, so they had to say "No" when we tried to touch the stove or run into the street or bite another child. And if you are a parent, like me, you do this too.

We only have as much understanding as we have had, and we have gotten away from the Language of Spirit, whose sole (or "soul") purpose is to guide us to our best life and to assist in fulfilling our life purpose.

What this means is that if we could remember how to listen to our Spirit (remember "Listen to your heart"), we would not get sick or hurt. Likewise, if we become enlightened or gain the understanding that we need, even after becoming sick or hurt, we would be healed.

Next time, I will cite a couple of examples to help illustrate all of this. Until then, see if you can handle it! I look forward to bringing you more!

Your friendly global mystic,
Susan K. Morrow

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Gratitude Attitude

I'm exploring some new thoughts on gratitude.

Do you know how I work? I wake up with ideas or a song in my head, I receive messages from the Cosmos, I think of things in the shower. Lots of people do, I believe, but what makes me a little different from most is that the thoughts I receive seem to be sent to me to ponder, clarify, and share with you.

One recent thought was about gratitude. Now, I know a lot of people, probably you, like the idea of gratitude. Several years ago, Sarah Ban Breathnach ( appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, talking about gratitude and the use of gratitude journals as a tool to change the life of the writer.

Writing down several items you are grateful for each day somehow lightens the load and brightens the mood. I do not doubt this method--used it myself for a bit--nor do I condemn Sarah's views or teachings. I think she is really onto something!

However, my recent download from the Universe about gratitude went further down the rabbit hole. It went beyond the idea of saying, "Thank you", to God, the Universe, or some unnamed Higher Power.

If you consider that God or whatever Supreme Being you choose (I like the Universe, but that's just me) is not a human and does not have human characteristics--no matter how much some people like to bestow such characteristics upon IT--why would He/She/It need to be thanked? God is not your grandmother, tapping her foot by the mailbox and waiting for your thank-you note from your birthday two months ago.

Ooh, I just realized I owe my grandfather a thank-you note for my birthday two weeks ago...

Anyway, here's the deal: Gratitude is for you.

That's right, gratitude is for the gratituder. Thanks are for the thanker. Not with regard to your grandma! I'm talking about the Universe. When you give thanks, when you say, "I am grateful", when you offer a feeling of joy about receiving something...


Not the thanks. The GIVING of the thanks.

Giving thanks makes you feel worthy, or at least more worthy than if you did not. What did you mother tell you when she picked you up from the party when you were six? "Did you thank Mrs. Smith?" You didn't know why you had to, but you learned to say thank you. Mrs. Smith certainly appreciated the thanks, and thought you to be a polite child, but God is not Mrs. Smith.

Gratitude is for you.

I remember when I first discovered my abilities as a psychic medium. After some readings, I would be so overwhelmed with the enormity of this gift, I would literally sit on the couch agog, and I would say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I felt so connected to my gift and to the Universe that I felt completely grateful.

Now I understand that I was giving thanks so that I could truly feel the receipt of my gift.


Ponder it, and let me know what you think.

Until next time,
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, May 29, 2009

Just Some Cool, Spooky Stuff

As a professional Mystic, I often find remarkable things in everyday events. And I usually notice the Big Messages that are intended for me. A recent one really stuck out, bold type, lights flashing, fireworks... I couldn't miss it, and it came from my late husband.

My younger daughter is graduating from high school next week. (She was only three and a half when her daddy died and doesn't remember very much about him.) Last night was her voice recital and after all the students and the teacher sang, the voice teacher had an announcement. She had brought a gift for each of her students.

She made a brief and passionate speech about how this gift was very meaningful to her, that it had changed her life, she'd read it twice already, and she wanted to share this wonderful information with her students.

The book she gave them is Dale Carnegie's brilliant manifesto, How to Win Friends and Influence People.

It was only a few weeks ago that I mentioned the Dale Carnegie course to my daughters, and told them how important it had been to their daddy. He was a proud graduate of the course and posted his diploma in every office he ever worked in.

Well, honey, I lost it. I told my daughter through copious tears, "If your daddy were alive, he would be giving you this book for your graduation!"

Considering all that I know about the workings of the Universe, I know that he was the one who made sure his daughter received the book--and I felt it was far more powerful than if I had thought to give it to her. It was a gift to me too.

Your friendly global Mystic,
Susan K. Morrow
Follow me on Twitter:
Author of the brand-new book Channel One: 137 Messages from the Universe
Plus Seven Chakras, Seven Days and Dead On: Spirited Stories from a Medium's Diary

Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Big Ol' Truth

A message that has been coming up a lot lately, both for my clients and for me, is that about aligning your energy and working on it the same way you work on the practical, logical, tangible things. Think of the energetic or vibrational wonder that happens to you when you work in your garden. You're physically and practically doing something, taking action, to get your garden to grow. But at the same time, you're thinking about and feeling the goodness of connection to the earth, you're putting your energy and thought into your garden.

Your life is like that. If you don't like your job, then you are only doing the logical part. If you're unhappy in a relationship and you do things to help it like going to counseling, having conversations, or setting up date nights, that is only the logical part. Work on the energy part.

Look at it this way--you were given both intellect and intuition. When you use them both, you are at your best.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Yes, You Can Have What You Want

I've been talking lately about getting what you want and how to do that. Now I am seeing in my client's lives as well as my own how important it is to work on your energy.

Yes, do the practical and tangible things, like doing your job or making phone calls or running your business. Go to networking groups or association meetings, call people, get up in the morning and brush your teeth. Show up.

At the same time, work those thoughts and feelings! We are all in the habit of DOING and we think in terms of DOING. DOING is a good thing, but it's much better when accompanied by THINKING and FEELING.

For example, if you are going to the grocery store AGAIN and you don't enjoy it, think about what you can do to change your feelings about it. What would make the chore FEEL better? Taking the kids or leaving them at home? (When mine were little, it was pretty hard to have them accompany me.) Talking on the phone with a friend while you shop? Hiring someone to do it for you? (It's pretty reasonable - I know a terrific concierge in Austin; just ask.) Or maybe just feeling better about it would feel better.

Maybe that sounds obvious and obtuse. You might say, "Sure feeling better would feel better, but HOW?" Well, start by saying, "I want to feel good about this." And then check out my recording about How to Get What You Want at

Today, just start to THINK about how you want to FEEL. It's a good jumping-off point. Then call me, and we'll get you really going energetically!

Be good!
Susan K. Morrow
Follow me on Twitter:
Author of the brand-new book Channel One: 137 Messages from the Universe
Plus Seven Chakras, Seven Days and Dead On: Spirited Stories from a Medium's Diary

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What's the Difference Between a Medium and a Channel?

A few clients have asked me what the difference is between a medium and a channel. Throw in a question or two about psychics in general and it was time for me to clarify:

I am a medium. Maybe you've heard that before, or maybe you have experienced my work as a medium. But many people don't know what a medium does. And then there's this other word, "channel", that many people have heard but don't understand.

Fair enough. I can understand the confusion, because psychics, mediums (I prefer the proper plural, "media"), and channels are all woo-woo practitioners who deal in the unseen and the metaphysical. AND I have even heard people who ARE these things misuse the terms. So here are my definitions that fit to the very best of my knowledge:

Medium: A living person who communicates in some fashion with the spirits of dead people. A medium may conduct seances or may communicate directly. John Edward is a famous medium whose primary work is communicating with the dead. I am also a medium, although I am not yet as famous as John Edward.

Channel: A person who allows a non-physical entity/ies to enter his/her body for the purpose of communicating with living people. The channel may or may not be conscious of the information coming through him/her. Esther Hicks is a famous channel who channels non-physical energies who call themselves Abraham. I do not channel in this way; however, I do "take cosmic dictation" and channel information from your guides in Mystic Mails. But I don't give my body over. My latest book, Channel One: 137 Messages from the Universe, is comprised entirely of channeled messages.

And what about the psychic? Well, a medium is always a psychic, but a psychic is not necessarily a medium. A psychic is someone who can sense information about others and often predict the future. Sylvia Brown is a famous psychic who also happens to be a medium. I am also a psychic. I personally do not see that a channel necessarily qualifies as a psychic, but channeling definitely requires a special spiritual gift, and it seems likely that a channel might also be psychic in some way.

There, I hope that makes it all clear as mud. If you have any questions about it, you know where to find me!

Susan K. Morrow
Follow me on Twitter:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Making Sense of That Tweet

Hey! Like about half the people I know, I've recently begun to use Twitter. If you're not aware, Twitter (.com) is a mini-blog site. Each entry is limited to only 140 characters. One of the cool things about it is that you can post links there--in this case, I'm going to post the link to my maxi-blog (this one). Convenient!

I want to explain a Tweet (posting on Twitter) that I posted earlier today. I said, "Love those repeated messages. Thanks to my messengers--I get it!"

I thought that might appear a bit esoteric, so here's what I meant. Everything starts with Spirit and your whole life is a presentation of messages that will point you in the best directions to live the life you came here to live. (And it's beside the point, but nobody came into this life to be miserable. Remember my adage from my days as a wee mystic: If you're not at least trying to be happy, you're not doing it right.)

In other words, messages come to you in many and varied forms, including your thoughts and feelings, your body, the people around you, nature, things you read... Anything that catches your attention deserves scrutiny.

SO VERY OFTEN, I find that messages come in duplicate or triplicate. And I know that, just because I noticed something once or twice doesn't mean that's the only time I've received it. These messages are like roaches. For every one you see, there are hundreds of others that you missed.

Ew. Gross analogy. Anyway, I recently heard the EXACT SAME THING from three different people. One person is my new marketing assistant, who told me that she sometimes writes blog entries for her clients. (Not this one, it's really me.) The next person is a friend, who is a successful copywriter, who told me she has started subbing out some press releases. She has a junior copywriter write the first draft, and then she does her magic on it. Saves her a lot of time and effort. The third person showed up today. A new friend, she's a life coach, and she mentioned her blog and how effective it is for her business. She said that she had tried a service that writes the blog for the blogger, then she would edit it to make it her own.

Do these three messages sound almost identical? This happens to me ALL THE TIME--and guess what. It happens to you all the time too! You've probably become somewhat immune to it. And that's why I'm telling you this now. Start paying attention.

For my clients, when I talk about paying attention to the messages, I sometimes use an example about seeing and hearing frogs. Two frogs? You'd better listen up. Three frogs? Now you've got something really important.

So will my next blog post be ghost-written??? Well, I really like writing, so I don't know, but it could happen. I got the message!

Until next time,
y'all be good!
Susan K. Morrow
Follow me on Twitter:
Author of the brand-new book Channel One: 137 Messages from the Universe
Plus Seven Chakras, Seven Days and Dead On: Spirited Stories from a Medium's Diary

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poof! Manifestation Made Easy

I love it when things go my way! Don't you? Isn't it great when you make a wish and it comes true?

Well, the Law of Attraction dictates that what you wish for will come to you--but you have to hold your mouth just right. Or something like that. I know that for many people the LoA remains a mystery.

I won't get into a whole lecture on that, but I do have a fun story to share about it. Recently, I have been making plans to move. I've been thinking about my dream house, which I designed several years ago. That house has appeared in reality in the town where I want to live... but that's another story.

This is a story about what will go into the house. I was thinking about the loft that will be in the house, and how I want to furnish it. I just like to play with such things. The loft will be the library, lined with bookshelves on either side, with two chairs and reading lamps under the window in the back. In the front of the room, next to the hallway, I want a game table with chairs.

I've never had a game table and am not sure what they look like or where to find one. I didn't worry about those details, I just said, "Oh, and a game table will go right there!" I imagined friends and family members sitting around the table, playing Bananagrams and Rummikub. Maybe the odd game of chess or poker now and again.

Last weekend, I was visiting my mother in that town where I want to live, the town where my dream house has sprung up. She said, "I got this table for Mother when she went to the assisted living place. Do you want it?"

It was a game table.

Happy Manifesting!
Susan K. Morrow

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Got Ghosts?


A client called to tell me she had gotten a little spooked in her own house. She walked in after work and could just FEEL a presence there. At first, she was afraid there might be an intruder, but determined that wasn't the case. She felt like there was a spirit of some kind present and she felt at least a little fear and nervousness about it. As she lay in bed later, her heart was pounding and her imagination--now fueled by her concerns over the unknown spirit--turned the sound into footsteps!

I was glad she called me, because I was able to allay her fears and give her some pointers about dealing with spirits like that.

First of all, please be assured that there is nothing in the non-physical that can hurt you in the physical. So a spirit or "ghost" is not going to stab you or smother you in your sleep.

Second, usually, if you sense something that frightens you, it is a only manifestation of your own fear. It doesn't mean that there is not a spirit present, but it means that it is not the spirit that is frightening you--it's you. Truly, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

And third, if you are bothered by this presence, speak to it in love. Say something like, "God loves you" or "There is only love here" or even "I love you". In my personal experience, this has been an effective banishment to wayward and unwanted spirits. And yes, I have had my share of experiences with them!

Alternately, you can ask or tell the spirit that you are willing to help: "Is there something I can do for you? If so, please make it clear to me so that I can help you. If not, you may be excused." And then see what pops into your mind or if something in the room catches your attention.

This information, and quite a bit more, helped my client feel comfortable returning home the next day. If you need more info, you know where to find me!

Until next time, my friends,
y'all be good!
Susan K. Morrow

Friday, February 13, 2009

Selfish Is the New Selfless

Selfish is the new selfless. Does that sound counter-intuitive to you? How can being selfish translate into selflessness?

It's the way the Universe is set up, but, as often is the case, human beings have mucked it up over the centuries. Everyone arrives here in human form with a nice bag of goodies. We all have gifts--or talents--that are perfectly designed to do two things: 1) make us happy and 2) help others.

Several sayings have grown up around this Universal Law, among them

"If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
"Charity begins at home."

Yes, these famous quotes have other meanings, like "If Mama ain't happy, she's going to make sure nobody else is happy either." But look at it this way: If Mama is sick with the flu, how can she care for the family?

As for "Charity begins at home", we all know where that came from. But it can be extrapolated to mean that if one person has not taken care of himself, he cannot care for others--except possibly at his great expense.

We are not designed to give of ourselves until we are empty. If you are a mom (and dads might hear this too, but moms really hear it everywhere), you have read or heard at least once in your motherhood years that you must take care of yourself in order to care for your family. This is true for all people! Not just moms and their families.

And I am not talking about saying "no", although that is a great place to start. Saying "no" when asked to do more than you think you can handle is great--just be sure you don't allow any guilt to creep in! But I am talking about
  • knowing yourself,
  • understanding yourself,
  • discovering your talents,
  • and above all, using your talents!

When you find out what is in your goody-bag, and you start using those goodies, you will find your own happiness. Then you will notice that your properly-used energy flows out to help others around you automatically.

The Universe is set up to work like this: Use your talent(s). You benefit. Others benefit. It's very simple, really. The reason it's not happening all over the place, every day? People got it messed up. Most people believe that you have to give tremendously of yourself in order to get a small part back for yourself, or that it is only in giving that you can find happiness. And this "giving till it hurts" seems to mean that you don't get to receive anything. Give, give, give and that's just the name of the game. Too bad for you.

Well, consider that a myth and consider it busted!

Now, to put this Universal Law into action, get happier, and help others:
  • Discover/determine your talents/gifts (Yes, you do have them!)
  • Do work, play, or other activities that employ these gifts
  • Feel happier
  • Notice that others are being helped
Need help with this? Well, guess what. I've gone through this process and now my work is all about helping other people. I'm not just sitting around every day, trying to see what I can get for myself. I think of how I can use my talents and when I do, others are helped.

The Universe is an awesome place. Welcome!

Susan K. Morrow
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Use Your Gifts to Glorify the Giver

My daily goal is to use my gifts to glorify the Giver. This comes from what I learned in Sunday school when I was a little girl. The teacher told us to use our gifts or talents to glorify God. I was almost 40 years old before I understood what that meant.

If everyone used one or more of the gifts they were born with, here's what would happen:

1) Everyone would be happy
2) Everyone would be served and taken care of
3) There would be perfect balance in the world

Sounds heavenly, doesn't it? Well, it is. We are designed to create such a perfect world and the way to do it is to find our gifts/talents and use them!

What does this mean to you? I spent my 30s asking, "What are my talents?" I worked as a facilities manager and loved it. I was good at it, good with numbers and budgets and purchasing, good with the mechanical aspects of my responsibilities, and good at managing people. I was very happy in doing that, but I couldn't figure out just what talents were being used. Skills, yes, things I had learned, but talents?

Here's how I found my talents: I went back in my memory to my childhood and I thought about what I loved to do when I was growing up. My first favorite activity was writing or storytelling. Later, I enjoyed performing. I had a definite bent for spatial relations and thought of being an architect. I loved language, writing it, speaking it, learning it, performing it. Doing anything along these lines made me happy. These activities felt good.

And this is how you find your talents. What do you love to do? What feels good? When you have the ability and the desire to do something, that is your gift to share with the world, and to use to glorify the Giver. Remember:

1) Everyone is blessed with more than one talent
2) Talent goes way beyond the arts--you don't have to be a singer to be talented
3) Every talent can be used to make a living--you don't have to do work you hate during the week and only use your talents on weekends

If you have always felt that your job is just a job and you've wondered what you're here for, try looking for your talents and thinking about how to use them. Then glorify!

Until next time,
Y'all be good!
Susan K. Morrow