Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Use Your Gifts to Glorify the Giver

My daily goal is to use my gifts to glorify the Giver. This comes from what I learned in Sunday school when I was a little girl. The teacher told us to use our gifts or talents to glorify God. I was almost 40 years old before I understood what that meant.

If everyone used one or more of the gifts they were born with, here's what would happen:

1) Everyone would be happy
2) Everyone would be served and taken care of
3) There would be perfect balance in the world

Sounds heavenly, doesn't it? Well, it is. We are designed to create such a perfect world and the way to do it is to find our gifts/talents and use them!

What does this mean to you? I spent my 30s asking, "What are my talents?" I worked as a facilities manager and loved it. I was good at it, good with numbers and budgets and purchasing, good with the mechanical aspects of my responsibilities, and good at managing people. I was very happy in doing that, but I couldn't figure out just what talents were being used. Skills, yes, things I had learned, but talents?

Here's how I found my talents: I went back in my memory to my childhood and I thought about what I loved to do when I was growing up. My first favorite activity was writing or storytelling. Later, I enjoyed performing. I had a definite bent for spatial relations and thought of being an architect. I loved language, writing it, speaking it, learning it, performing it. Doing anything along these lines made me happy. These activities felt good.

And this is how you find your talents. What do you love to do? What feels good? When you have the ability and the desire to do something, that is your gift to share with the world, and to use to glorify the Giver. Remember:

1) Everyone is blessed with more than one talent
2) Talent goes way beyond the arts--you don't have to be a singer to be talented
3) Every talent can be used to make a living--you don't have to do work you hate during the week and only use your talents on weekends

If you have always felt that your job is just a job and you've wondered what you're here for, try looking for your talents and thinking about how to use them. Then glorify!

Until next time,
Y'all be good!
Susan K. Morrow


Anonymous said...

great read. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Susan K. Morrow said... Have at it! I look forward to "meeting" you.

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it