Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Taking Care of the Caregiver

If you are a woman, a mom, I know this will hit you where you live. And if you are a man, you will probably dig it too. It's about taking care of others, yourself, and the world!

In recent weeks, it seems I have done nothing but take care of other people. Several family members have needed my assistance or presence during and regarding medical and health issues, plus as you know, my daughters have both moved and the younger one has made a huge adjustment in starting college. It seems like all I have done is drive and drive and drive on my way to take care of others.

Like you, I'm sure, I don't mind doing this. On the contrary, I love taking care of my loved ones and I appreciate that I am able to help when needed. BUT--and you know this BUT--I knew I was going to get sick from all this, sooner or later.

I did try to take care of myself, paying attention to my needs, getting enough rest, giving myself a pedicure, and so forth. It just wasn't quite enough. Last week, I came down with a really nasty stomach virus. Dehydrated and exhausted, I asked my daughters to take me to the ER. They stayed with me for the whole long afternoon, while I received IV fluids and returned to myself.

It cost my college girl a day of classes. It cost my older girl an afternoon of work (and pay). They sacrificed without complaint, and I received their loving care without guilt.

Here's the message for you and me both: Ask for help when needed, and accept help when offered. You were not built to take care of the world and get nothing in return. Try it--no guilt, just care between people who love. You'll be GLAD YOU DID! ;o)

Until next time,
Susan K. Morrow

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