Friday, October 5, 2007

Hatred and Intolerance

Years ago, my brother-in-law gave my sister a bumper sticker that read,

“Hatred and intolerance are un-Christian and un-American.”

Don’t you love that? Good old Burt Bacharach was right: What the world needs now is love.

I know a dear man who is insightful and sensitive and smart. He recently e-mailed some info that slammed a religion that is not Christian. He indicated how this other religion is dangerous in that it encourages its followers to recruit new followers and to hurt or kill those who do not believe.

No, remember, I said this is not Christianity.

But it could be, couldn’t it?

Above all, we need tolerance, patience, and love for our fellow denizens of this planet. It is fear and lack of understanding that get us into trouble.

I want to recommend a new book my mother told me about. (I confess that I have yet to read it, but it is on my list!) It is The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew—Three Women Search for Understanding, by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner. These three women came together after September 11, 2001, as the Christian mother attempted to explain the differences between the religions to her child. The journey and friendship of these three women are remarkable—and go much further toward peace than sending terrorizing e-mails about each other.

Remember Burt and remember love.

Susan K. Morrow
I put the normal in paranormal!

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