Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Campaign for Heart Chakra Health!

I am delighted to announce that I am formalizing my work in the area of helping my clients and others to improve their overall health by concentrating on the heart chakra.


The chakras are what I call “energy organs”. The seven major ones are located along your spine, starting with the root chakra at the tailbone and ending with the crown chakra just above your head. Just as your liver reflects what you’ve eaten and drunk and affects other parts of your body, each chakra or energy organ reflects and affects a physical aspect of you, an emotional aspect of you, and a spiritual aspect of you.

The lower chakras are the more human, physical ones, although they have their spiritual components. Conversely, the upper ones are the more spiritual, but they are also physical.

The heart chakra is right in the middle. Its job is not only to reflect and affect, but also to pull the other chakras together, to allow spirit and body to flow through it to create harmony within your being.

If you think of the body/mind/spirit connection, the heart is the “mind” or the emotions. As Abraham-Hicks tells us, the emotions are our indicators of what’s going on in our spirit. Thus, the heart bears the burden of connecting us to the physical and the spiritual.

In my practice as a psychic medium and medical intuitive, most of my clients are women. And almost all of them suffer from a lack of self-love. Women in our society are taught to love everyone else and support others to the exclusion of love for themselves. As mothers, we can hardly resist sacrificing for our children—without taking into account the truth behind the expression, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”

In a different way, men suffer in this area too. They are taught not to express love, except to their children and their mothers, sometimes to their wives, often to no one. Loving themselves is even more verboten. Why do you think men have long suffered from heart disease?

And now women are having increased and unprecedented numbers in the areas of heart disease, lung disease, and breast disease—all heart-chakra organs.

I will delve more into this next time. For now, just know that we are on the verge of a tremendous break-through for everyone’s heart chakra health!

Until next time, cha cha cha!

Susan K. Morrow
I put the normal in paranormal!


Sister Mystic Services Include
Chakra Coaching

Go from chaos to calm; make transitions with ease; clear out old gunk.
Pre-requisites apply. Fee varies. See the website, call, or e-mail for more info.
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